Mastering Stress & Other Strong Emotions
There are different versions of this workshop for...
...Us Regular Folks | ...Professionals | ...Managers || Speaker's Bio
Jonathan Sherman, LMFT, a.k.a. "The Stress-Buster" is a relationship strategist, licensed marriage and family therapist, and national speaker. Whether you are seeking skills to cool professional burn-out, bring balance to your personal and family life, or to more effectively help your clients, this workshop is packed with real-life practical strategies you can begin using today. Come and learn the "Top Stress-Busting Tips from the Trenches" that his clients around the country have used to "Transform stress into success!" Jonathan's Stress-Busters are based only in the best research- and evidence-based approaches combined with real life practical experience so that you walk away from this workshop with the strategies and mindsets that really work.
Next Workshop
Date: TBA
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In this workshop, you will:
Understand the neuroscience and physiology of stress as the foundation for approaching stress management;
Learn powerful, in-the-moment techniques (including Jonathan's list of 299 "stress-busters"), that are easily taught to clients, for reducing stress and improving resilience in the “heat of the battle”;
Practice skills which help reduce the impact of stress and anxiety and improve overall well-being.
Learn how to identify, understand the core messages, and use the generally unknown positive aspects of anxiety, depression and anger.
"Busting Stress, Cooling Burn-out, and Thriving as a Professional"
This popular stress-busting workshop is designed specifically for healthcare, behavioral health and service professionals.
Stress Management for Managers
As if dealing with your own personal stress isn't enough, when you are a manager you are dealing on some level or another everyone else's stress, too. This workshop will address how managers can learn to use project and team stress rather than just feel used by it.
Mastering Stress in Addiction Recovery
Nothing triggers relapse like the stress of anxiety, depression and anger. In over 20 years of treating addictions in inpatient and outpatient settings, with youth and adults, Jonathan and his clients have tested what works and what doesn't in managing stress. This workshop is packed with real-life practical strategies you can begin using today. Come and learn the "Top Stress-Busting Tips from the Trenches" that his clients around the country have used to "Transform stress into success!" as well as how to use these strong emotions rather than let them just feel used by them. These Stress-Busters are based only in the best research- and evidence-based approaches combined with real life practical experience so that you walk away from this workshop with the strategies and mindsets that really work.
Speaker Bio: Jonathan D. Sherman, LMFT
Jonathan D. Sherman, LMFT is a relationship strategist, national speaker, consultant and all around swell-fella. He specializes in “creating GREATness in relationships” collaboratively with his clients through self-mastery, marriage transformation and parent training. He is a sought-after speaker and trainer known for his fun, upbeat, and informative presentations.
As a marriage and family therapist he has learned how to leverage his systemic training into helping people create systems and relationships on both the micro (individual, couple and family) and macro (organization and corporate) levels that quite simply rock.
On the micro level, Jonathan is continually looking to extend the influence of our field and expand how people can be reached beyond the limits of managed care. He loves to coach professionals in creating a thriving private practice and he works with clients locally and internationally through in-person, telephone and video means of communication. He is happy to say he has “never messed with, and never missed, insurance.”
On the macro level, he has provided stress-management, conflict resolution and team-development consultation and training for groups as small as local churches and schools and as large as government agencies and corporations, most notably FedEx. He consults with companies on creating workplace cultures that foster high employee engagement and tremendous customer satisfaction, which, of course, translates into a happy bottom line for the company.
He is married to a lovely and skilled husband trainer who has truly earned her keep. They live in eternal bliss (okay, fairly peaceably) with their four children in the Rocky Mountains of Utah. You may reach him directly at 801.787.8014, or He'd love to hear from you.
"Your name was recommended several times as a desired presenter at our Fall Conference. We loved having you present your workshop . I am interested in learning about any new presentations you have added to your repertoire and/or ideas you might have for our annual conference."
—Sonja Wicks, VMH HR
See many more testimonials from workshop participants here...
Evaluation Results
I don't filter my evaluation results I give them here as straight as I get them. I figure if you're making the important decision to select the right speaker for your group is it better to just get filtered positive only testimonials about a potential speaker or to know how people respond to the speaker including both those who loved it and didn't? So if someone thought I stunk you'll hear it here first. Obviously, I don't try to make everyone happy. Part of my utility is to get people out of their comfort zones. If the majority love an approach I use in a seminar I'll continue those items that resonate with most. If the majority hate an approach I'll drop it. If one or two people don't like what the majority love, then I don't give much heed to those critiques, of course. However, I appreciate all feedback, which is one of the reasons my evaluation results are consistently high: My audiences teach me what they like and what works best for them and I listen.
My evaluation form contains the following items:
1-10 Rating: "Please rate your overall experience of this presentation"
The Good: "What was brilliant, superb, exhilarating, life-altering, or opened the heavens for you? In short, what did you like about the presentation?
One Thing: "What's one thing that you plan on using and/or implementing into your life from this presentation?" This tells me out of everything what was the one thing that had the most meaningful impact.
The Bad: "What stunk, turned your stomach, gave you a headache, made you dizzy, or gave you gas? In short, what didn't you like that could be improved and/or what would you like to see covered that wasn't? (Go ahead, I can take it!)"
Requested eZine: This is actually also an evaluation measure: You'd think that someone who would give a lower rating didn't like the presentation. However, while it may not have been the favorite for that person, they got enough out of it that they would like to receive emails containing articles, tips, strategies and events on these topics from me.
"Thank you so much for coming to our meeting and for sending me these results. I know from what the parents told me that they left very uplifted and informed. Thank you for hating your expertise in order to help these families master something that normally holds them back."
—Julianne Dana, Family Advocate, Lehi Mountainland Head Start Center
Scroll through the following table to see all results.
Past eval results prior to the above to be posted...