14/52 GR Masters: Star Wars Love... Mark & Marilou Hamill: Married 45 Years and Counting...

14/52 GR Masters: Star Wars Love... Mark & Marilou Hamill: Married 45 Years and Counting...

Mark Hamill is just cool all-around. We all know this... What few know, though, is that Mark Hamill has been married to the same woman, Marilou, for thirty-seven years. And relationships that make it, and make it well, over the long-haul are really cool! And are especially rare in Hollywood. Read the full story here...

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2/52 GR Masters: An Evening at the Waldorf

2/52 GR Masters: An Evening at the Waldorf

One rainy October evening, thirty years ago, I sat in my room at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, staring at a navigation lesson and thinking of Jean. I had met her the previous August in Chicago, just before my summer leave expired, and I had fallen in love with her. Three days later I was back in Annapolis, surrounded by rules and regulations, while she was a thousand miles away, surrounded by eligible bachelors. Things looked bleak indeed.

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