19/365 True Love Protects
In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love, you want the other person.
—Margaret Anderson
[Below Emma receives just, but difficult, correction from her true friend Mr. Knightly. From the movie Emma (starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Jeremy Northam) based on the same-titled book by Jane Austen]
I think together we have made each other better. I have always loved the movie Emma, which you introduced to me, and especially this scene. This is true love. Not just the romantic emotion of love, bu the looking out for the good, and the goodness, of the one you love. You have always done that and have helped me not only be good, but stay good.
True love protects. Real love seeks goodness. Real love protects that goodness it finds. True love is not always fun nor does it always feel good. But real and true love IS good.
PS: If you're curious how it ends with Emma and Mr. Knightly... (FYI spoiler alert if you haven't seen the movie yet...)