Greatest Accomplishment?
Speaker, author, and great humanitarian Tiffany Berg (that's her to the right), whom I am happy to know, asked on Facebook today:
"What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment in life so far?"
My response:
Great question. Tough to answer with just one thing but I'll list a progression of the greatest accomplishments so far in my life: Accepting Christ into my life as a teenager--opened up the door to SO, SO, SO many good things most especially:Meeting my best friend and marrying her--who gave me:My four greatest treasures. So proud of the fine young people they are and so grateful to be their father. Eternally grateful for my wife for them. Amen and amen! My education, training, profession and successful independent practice as a relationship strategist (marriage and family therapist). So proud and impressed by my amazing clients who take on the tough challenges of life and overcome! I can trace all of these accomplishments (or rather gifts) to the first on the list. Hallelujah!
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