Impromptu Family Silliness: A Valentine's Day Story

Another build-a-story during church...

Dad: "The following story is true. It all started 63 years ago when...

Adam (15): I fell down the...

Emily (13): water buffalo. It was uncommon. But...

Molly (10): it was very fun.

Dad: Yet, how could I get anyone to believe such an incredible occurance? I decided that I would...

Matthew (8): go to the bathroom...

Mom: and take a shower to wash off the buffalo poop I had fallen into when I fell off the water buffalo. However...

Adam: when I got out the smell would not come off. But luckily, my wife for some odd reason liked the smell, so...

Emily: I decided to take it for granted. The way I did that was...

Molly: a princess came and...

Dad: it turned out she was a magic fairy princess and she cast a spell on me so the smell would stay on me for the rest of my life so my wife could always enjoy this new cologne. Then...

Mom: I started to attract many more water buffalo. Everywhere I went I had a herd of water buffalo following me around even when I went to...

Adam: the ball games and they wouldn't let me in so it became a curse...

Emily: Then my goldfish died.

Molly: It died because of the smell. I...

Dad: cried and cried and cried and wondered how on earth any of this had to anything to do with Valentine's Day? Then I realized...

Mom: 'Oh yeah!' I yelled. 'My wife still likes my smell.' So I went home to my wife and we decided to be Valentine's for ever!

The End.

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