"So..." Simple Impromptu Family Silliness
Great relationships are more often created by lots of small moments rather than a few big ones. For example, last week in church I started the following "build-a-story" titled "So...". As you can see, I just began the story and passed it (quietly and discretely since we were in church) around and this silliness is what ensued.
Dad: "So, the other day I...
Adam (15): ...went to the bathroom and found a...
Molly (10): ...unicorn that turned into a...
Emily (13): ...pickle. I have no idea why it did that. But I have an idea to get it back, which is...
Matthew (8): ...get a gun and point it at its head and tell him to "Turn me back!" and if he says...
Mom: ..."Poop de loops" then he will turn into a beautiful...
Hannah (12, friend): ...caterpiller that can turn in to an evil goblin.
Dad: So, after all of that, as you I'm sure you can understand I got quite confused, so I...
Em: ...went and ate an apple. But then...
Mol: ...before I ate it, it came alive and...
Ad: ...ate me in one bite so now I'm sitting here writing this story. But wait, what is this?
Matthew: ...It's the pony that turned me into a pickle!
Mom: ..."Mr. Pony? Will you turn me into a unicorn? I want to...
Hannah: ...frolic in the mist of the Magic Waterfall...
Matthew: ...and then I want to go to the top and jump off...
Dad: ...and land in a pile of fluffy, toasted coconut marshmallows."
The End.
I encourage you to try this with your family. It's simple, silly, creative, easy and can quickly create some fun bonding that can then be thrown in a scrapbook for a good memory later on.
— For more tips, strategies and resources for creating truly GREAT relationships visit http://JonathanSherman.net —
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