Self-Mastery: De-fusing Triggering Words with CBT

Self-Mastery: De-fusing Triggering Words with CBT

"Sometimes words can become your worst enemy. Clinical psychologist and cognitive behavioural therapist Dr Jane Gregory tells how to defuse their power." —Helen Zaltzman, The Allusionist Podcast

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Emotion Regulation: Graphic & Lesson

Emotion Regulation: Graphic & Lesson

Emotion regulation doesn't need to be a "high level" concept. It's as simple and basic as understanding how to operate any other mechanical device—which, kids by the way, excel at. So teach them how to operate their own bio-machinery they live in each and every day. Of course, it helps the teaching if we as the adults actually model it for them... The good news is the above graphic/concept is so simple kids can totally get it. 


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