Guest Blogger Mark Tolman: "Becoming Dad"

Guest Blogger Mark Tolman: "Becoming Dad"

Jonathan here: Allow me to introduce my friend, Mark Tolman (see his bio below), who I met my freshman year of college. We camped out one night  with some friends on the sidewalk in downtown Salt Lake City. Why? That's another story. But back then we were just regular guys. Neither of us were the polished professionals we are now who (seemingly) have all the answers for our clients. For now, I'd like you to hear Mark's thoughts on Father's Day, not as a professional, but as a regular guy, who like me, and like you, have had to somehow figure out this whole dad thing...

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Dads, Testosterone and Intimacy

Dads, Testosterone and Intimacy

As a marriage and family therapist, sex therapy is a common part of my practice. Often, people (men) worry that they aren't having as much sex as they used to when they were first married and that must mean there is something wrong with their marriage. This often leads to conflict in the marriage. 

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Happy(?) Fathers Day...

Happy(?) Fathers Day...

Happy Fathers Day! To those of you who have, or had, great dads, rejoice! I know, however, there are many who had absent fathers, abusive "sperm donors" and/or downright crummy dads. For them, Fathers Day isn't a day of pleasant memories of the man who mentored them into adulthood but is a day of harsh memories and broken hearts.

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